
Thursday, November 30, 2017

John F Kennedy's Assassination Destiny Guerrero

Destiny Guerrero Conspiracy is a scheme, a plan made by more than one person. To conspire is to plot against someone or something in hopes of their failure. To conspire does not mean to benefit the person you are plotting against but to bring them to their downfall. A conspiracy is evil. It’s staying up countless hours planning out every little detail making sure not a single thing is left out. Conspiring brings the brilliance out of the human mind; it’s what makes your brain second guess taking a left turn when you know right is the answer. John F. Kennedy was murdered and someone else took the blame for it. This was all part of a mass conspiracy by the government, or the mafia, or angry people from the South. No one knows. That’s the twist about conspiracies: no one but the plotters know the motive as to why someone would do this and that’s why they’re so questionable. For the only way to truly understand is to get inside the mind of the conspirer. 50 years later, the truth about who killed Kennedy still is clouded in conspiracy. On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy decided to visit Dallas, Texas to participate in a parade to gain back supporters from the state. Kennedy, much like every other president, just wanted the support of Americans all across the U.S. to lead America in his direction but even though he made the attempt it was too late to change the mind of some people. “It’s been said that Time heals all wounds,” Rose Kennedy once explained. “I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” According to Kennedy “Our most basic common link is that we all inhibit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” And mortal he was, not everyone needed to like Kennedy but as a president he felt it was important to still try. Whether or not that is what caused his death, Kennedy was right. We are all mortal and mortals do what they can if they feel is necessary. The most interesting thing said in the passage is how they bring up the conspiracy theories of why and how President Kennedy was murdered. One theory I find to be extremely interesting is the grassy knoll theory because to me it does make sense that there were armed men hiding in the hills nearby the parade and it would also explain why Kennedy was struck from odd angles. There are many theories as to how Kennedy died and why someone would want him dead because the motive was never made clear but it is one of the greatest mysteries to this day... who shot the president? Why? Example: Committee on assassinations concluded in a preliminary report that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy that may have involve multiple shooters and an organize crime. Summary: The article "The Kennedy assassination" described how the world changed forever on a sunny afternoon in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. On that day, John F. Kennedy, the president of the United States at the time, was doing something he, as well as other politicians had done countless times before. Ride in an open-top convertible down a parade route but because of what happened that day, it would also be the last time a president was so accessible to the public, in a convertible. At 12:30pm, President Kennedy was shot in the back of the head and killed while riding with his wife Jackie, Governor Connolly of Texas, and the governor's wife. The Assassin was later determined to be Lee Harvey Oswald, a strange man, who mental health was questionable. Lee Harvey Oswald was described and seen by many spectators of the parade to be the killer of our young president Kennedy but many people believe this was not the case. Quotation: "Although there are some facts about the assassination of President Kennedy that will remain a mystery for eternity, due to the fact that Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, it can be concluded that the world drastically changed on the afternoon of November 22nd, 1963." Reflection: in this article they speak of how one of the reasons Oswald assassinated Kennedy was because of Oswald’s mental state however it was impossible to know what his original motive was due to Jackie killing him. If mental illness was the case why did Oswald have access to a gun? Reflection: it does become clear that Oswald was mentally unstable since the same day of the assassination Oswald shot and killed and officer who was merely trying to speak to him the officers intentions were just to apprehend Oswald which unfortunately cost him his life. Reflection: although the motive for Kennedy’s death remains unclear to this day one of the theories is he was murdered for his political and human rights views, Kennedy strongly believed in Martin Luther King’s message of equality and many people weren’t fond of the attempt to pass the civil rights legislation. Reflection: another cause of Kennedy’s death was his lack of security when he was riding through Dallas, often the president is never alone they are accompanied by big frightening men whose job is to lay down their lives for the president and for that reason Kennedy was an easy target to get too because no one was guarding or watching out for him. Paragraph: On the 22nd of November, 1963, John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, visited Dallas, Texas. Their two young children had remained behind in Washington. The couple rode in a drop too convertible through Dallas as the convertible turned toward Elm Street, Abraham Zapruder positioned himself with his Bell and Howell 8mm camera. He'd located a great place to stand on the top of a concrete plinth. He waited for the President’s car to reach his line of sight. As soon as he could see the President’s limo, which was traveling at about 11.2 miles per hour, Zapruder aimed his camera and recorded the President’s visit. Lee Harvey Oswald, according to the official investigation, aimed his rifle at the same target. At about 12:30 p.m. CST, according to the official account, Oswald took his first shot. Zapruder’s film recorded what happened as President Kennedy was fatally struck by one of the bullets. President Kennedy was shot 3 times in his neck, back of his head, and thigh and he was killed almost instantly by Lee Harvey Oswald although other bystanders report seeing bullets coming from a different shooter. In 1963 the secret service failed to protect the 35th president of the United States John F Kennedy, and in 2017 the Secret Service may not have enough funding to protect the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump. The secret service failed to protect John F. Kennedy do to conspiracy which is why he was so easily target in and easily assassinated. Before Kennedy’s presidency it was normal for presidents to ride in a drop top convertible with the first lady through the streets for a parade. Get the difference is the presidents before him had protection from the secret services at all time, Kennedy didn’t. Although Kennedy was very well liked that does not excuse the lack of protection that fatal day as a result, the lack of protection we lost our 35th president due to three gunshot wounds. On the other hand, 45th president from the beginning of his presidency he’s had Secret Service protection watching him with a close eye. However, unfortunately for dodge ram Secret Service has reported they might not have enough funding to protect him or his family much longer throughout his presidency. Which is very worrisome for the Trump family due to the fact that his father isn’t well liked and has already had multiple assassination attempts on him. Unlike Kennedy however Trump has been fortunately lucky at avoiding being assassinated but Trump isn’t as out in the open as Kennedy was. Nowadays you won’t see tromp riding in a drop top convertible preferred rate with no secret service protection guarding the car you won’t see any president do that anymore as a matter of fact. Nevertheless just says they had their differences both presidents have Heather similarities as well. For example both presidents had many supporters and followers but also had their fair share of people who dislike them, both grew up in families of wealth and privilege, both presidents I’m more interested in the public eye and publicity then they are in accomplishment, and both gentlemen are great at making empty promises and giving off false hope. I’ve learned that America tends to learn from its past mistakes even if the mistakes are sometimes repetitive. The idea behind having more protection is so that something like this does not happen again and that’s understandable because although we may not like our current commander-in-chief there are people who would rather have an impeachment than an assassination and other times there are others who’d would rather see an assassination than an impeachment. However even if you are fond of Kennedy and not of Trump or vice versa some people believe the only way to get rid of the problem is to exterminate it completely which is why Trump and other past presidents after Kennedy have more than enough protection from secret services. The murder of John F. Kennedy has always lead me to have many suspicions on if it actually happened the way most people claims it did. I chose to write about the conspiracy of John F. Kennedy’s murder because I myself believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only murderer, I also believe he may not have been the shooter at all. What caught my interest about this topic was there were actual bystanders that attended the parade who swear they saw and heard shots coming from a completely different direction than where Oswald was at. Next month on the 22nd of November it will be the 54th anniversary of Kennedy’s death. From writing this essay I learned how to cite my information I got for this essay which is extremely resourceful for me because for future references I can go back to my resources for more useful information. I found myself taking notes about my writing subject differently, more efficiently I am able to remember more about my subject than before. In the beginning my view on this topic I was a bit skeptical about writing about it but as I continue to learn about it the subject just gets greatly more interesting. I figured out many different points of views of this topic due to the help of my professor, he lead me in the direction of plenty absorbing articles. At the moment I feel I made a great decision choosing this topic of president Kennedy’s murder not because I like to see him dead but because I believe in the idea of conspiracy theories and that people do evil things but get away with them due to their well thought out plots. As a writer now, I feel I have a better understanding of other people’s emotions and thought processes which gives me more to write about and a better perspective on my topic. I’ve grown as a writer in many ways over the last 3 months thanks to the help of my professor, I do have more confidence in myself as a writer now. I believe I am capable of writing essays on many contrasting topics. Work Cited Strong Robert, “Trump and JFK are More Aline than We like To Think”, Newsweek, Newsweek editor, May 29, 2017, posted: May 29, 2017. Kennedy, F. John. “John F. Kennedy Speeches.” JFK library: For people who are interested in Kennedy’s legacy. Point, Colombia. “The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection.” National Archives. 15 Aug. 2015. “The Assassination: An Overview.” John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Patterson, Thom. “One JFK Conspiracy Theory That Could Be True.” CNN, 18 Nov. 2013, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Rein, Lisa. “Secret Service Says It Will Run out of Money to Protect Trump and His Family Sept. 30.” The Washington Post [ProQuest], Politics, 21 Aug. 2017,

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