
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Illustrative Support Paragraph

When I first see this tattoo I see it on what appears to be a women’s wrist on her right arm. The tattoo is of a heart beat wave length and then following is a heart all in black ink. When you see lines going up and down in that direction it automatically reminds you of a heart monitor you see in hospital. 
The tattoos only and main color is black and I believe it is only in black to let it be known that it is to be taken seriously. Black is the color of mourning and I believe the mother that tattooed the heart beat in black because she was mourning her now gone infant but she wanted to still keep him close to her. The mother was trying to show the pain and love she was feeling at the moment, the horrible pain of losing a child but loving them so much you could never let them go. 
I think it’s important to her that she tattooed it on her wrist because the wrist has a pulse and your wrist is something you see everyday it’s close to you. The mother loved her son with everything in her heart and she let it be known that even though he’s gone she’s never going to let go or forget. This tattoo symbolizes the love between a mother and an infant, whatever she wears, wherever she goes, whoever she sees it’ll always be there to remind her of her sons once beating heart. In my opinion, the tattoo is a beautiful way to remember her son. A better and happier time when his heart was once beating will forever live in her heart and on her wrist. 
As for the audience I believe the mother got the tattoo for her own personal self, she didn’t care for an audience she got this tattoo for her and for her son. It is easy to find a tattoo on someone’s wrist but I don’t believe that’s why she got it on her wrist I think she got it there so she can always see it. The tattoo was meant for her now deceased son who she will forever keep safe in her heart, memory, and wrist.

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