
Friday, December 7, 2018

Table of Contents Of My Best Work

                                                  Only Women Bleed: song analysis
In this post I do a song analysis of Alice Cooper’s song Only Women Bleed and the reason why he wrote the song and what inspired him to create it. 

John F. Kennedy's Assassination
 In this essay I discuss the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and why I believe it was a conspiracy. I talk about The Grassy Knoll theory of his assassination. 

In this post I define Crisis and the different types of crises the women in the movie For Colored Girls experience. The movie shows the different lives of several colored women.

In this post I analyze a comic strip that compares mental illnesses to physical illnesses and I put into perspective the absurd things people with mental illnesses hear daily. 

Tough Stuff Essay

On average, there are 321,500 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.  In my essay I talk about what happen to me on October 13, 2007 the day that changed my life and myself forever.

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