
Friday, January 24, 2020

D Guerrero

My name is Destiny Marie Guerrero 
I was born on January 1999, i'm a capricorn. 
I believe in the equal rights and voice of the people, I'm a socialist. 
I know that love knows no gender, my love knows no gender. I am a member of the LGBTQ community. 
I live life day by day, I don't fear death or the future. I live my life like there is no tomorrow so there is never a dull moment of being alive. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Table of Contents Of My Best Work

                                                  Only Women Bleed: song analysis
In this post I do a song analysis of Alice Cooper’s song Only Women Bleed and the reason why he wrote the song and what inspired him to create it. 

John F. Kennedy's Assassination
 In this essay I discuss the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and why I believe it was a conspiracy. I talk about The Grassy Knoll theory of his assassination. 

In this post I define Crisis and the different types of crises the women in the movie For Colored Girls experience. The movie shows the different lives of several colored women.

In this post I analyze a comic strip that compares mental illnesses to physical illnesses and I put into perspective the absurd things people with mental illnesses hear daily. 

Tough Stuff Essay

On average, there are 321,500 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States.  In my essay I talk about what happen to me on October 13, 2007 the day that changed my life and myself forever.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Final Draft: Tattoo You

Destiny Guerrero
English 001A
When I first see this tattoo I see it on what appears to be a women’s wrist on her right arm. The tattoo is of a heartbeat wave length following by a heart all in black ink. When you see lines going up and down in that direction it automatically reminds you of a heart monitor you see in hospital.
Text Box: Figure 1 Heart beating on wrist (Facebook)The tattoo’s only and main color is black and I believe it is only in black to let it be known that it is to be taken seriously. Black is the color of mourning and, I believe The mother that tattooed the heart beat in black because she was mourning her now gone infant but she wanted to still keep him close to her. The mother was trying to show the pain and love she was feeling at the moment, the horrible pain of losing a child but loving them so much you could never let them go.  
The wrist has a pulse and your wrist is something you see every day it’s close to you. The mother loved her son with everything in her heart, and she let it be known that even though he’s gone she’s never going to let go or forget. This tattoo symbolizes the love between a mother and an infant, whatever she wears, wherever she goes, whoever she sees it’ll always be there to remind her of her sons once beating heart. In my opinion, the tattoo is a beautiful way to remember her son. A better and happier time when his heart was once beating will forever live in her heart and on her wrist.
The owner of this tattoo chose her tattoo by wanting to express her love for her now deceased child, to keep her child’s memory alive forever on her skin. The mother was obviously devastated by the loss of her son, I don’t think she was looking to express individuality just a way to show her love. The mother captured what how much she misses and loves her son in her wrist tattoo. 
When I first see this tattoo I see it on what appears to be a women’s wrist on her right arm. The tattoo is of a heart beat wave length and then following is a heart all in black ink. When you see lines going up and down in that direction it automatically reminds you of a heart monitor you see in hospital.
I think it’s important to her that she tattooed it on her wrist because the wrist has a pulse and your wrist is something you see every day it’s close to you. The mother loved her son with everything in her heart and she let it be known that even though he’s gone she’s never going to let go or forget. This tattoo symbolizes the love between a mother and an infant, whatever she wears, wherever she goes, whoever she sees it’ll always be there to remind her of her sons once beating heart. In my opinion, the tattoo is a beautiful way to remember her son. A better and happier time when his heart was once beating will forever live in her heart and on her wrist.
People will have this confused feeling at first sight of the tattoo and wonder why anyone would ever get that tattoo? But once explained I feel it would leave spectators with this melancholy feeling in their hearts. The first thing others would see is this squiggly line that is uneven and ink black, there isn't much too the tattoo at first glance. Something people might miss when they first see the mother's tattoo is the story and the real and powerful meaning behind it, how the mother felt and why she got this tattoo. I feel people will be left feeling extremely saddened after hearing the real meaning behind the tattoo it might even leave them regretting asking what the tattoo was about and why she wanted to get it. However, I do think out of curiosity viewers would ask what kind of illness the baby had because I myself am curious as to why the baby passed. As for myself, I believe the mother captured her love and sadness very well in her choice of body art. She herself said she wasn't a fan of body ink but she would only ever do this for her son which really pulls at your heart strings because you realize how much this affected her as a person and mother. 
She didn’t care for an audience she got this tattoo for her and for her son. It is easy to find a tattoo on someone’s wrist but I don’t believe that’s why she got it on her wrist I think she got it there so she can always see it. The tattoo was meant for her now deceased son who she will forever keep safe in her heart, memory, and wrist.

Illustrative Support Paragraph

When I first see this tattoo I see it on what appears to be a women’s wrist on her right arm. The tattoo is of a heart beat wave length and then following is a heart all in black ink. When you see lines going up and down in that direction it automatically reminds you of a heart monitor you see in hospital. 
The tattoos only and main color is black and I believe it is only in black to let it be known that it is to be taken seriously. Black is the color of mourning and I believe the mother that tattooed the heart beat in black because she was mourning her now gone infant but she wanted to still keep him close to her. The mother was trying to show the pain and love she was feeling at the moment, the horrible pain of losing a child but loving them so much you could never let them go. 
I think it’s important to her that she tattooed it on her wrist because the wrist has a pulse and your wrist is something you see everyday it’s close to you. The mother loved her son with everything in her heart and she let it be known that even though he’s gone she’s never going to let go or forget. This tattoo symbolizes the love between a mother and an infant, whatever she wears, wherever she goes, whoever she sees it’ll always be there to remind her of her sons once beating heart. In my opinion, the tattoo is a beautiful way to remember her son. A better and happier time when his heart was once beating will forever live in her heart and on her wrist. 
As for the audience I believe the mother got the tattoo for her own personal self, she didn’t care for an audience she got this tattoo for her and for her son. It is easy to find a tattoo on someone’s wrist but I don’t believe that’s why she got it on her wrist I think she got it there so she can always see it. The tattoo was meant for her now deceased son who she will forever keep safe in her heart, memory, and wrist.

Interview with Vicky Gonzalez

On this sunny Sunday morning I’m sitting across from Vicky Gonzalez in my one story Coachella home in my modernly decorated kitchen. We are sitting at my stone made table with a vase of blossoms in between us. Vicky has agreed to sit with me and answer any questions I may have about that fatal day. During the interview I find myself getting overwhelmed with emotion as she speaks on the events of that day. “ I felt as if my heart was pounding so fast, so loud, so hard against my chest the students could hear it and it was only making them more afraid. What’s more frightening then an adult that doesn’t know what to do in this situation?” “The fear in their eyes, their cries for help, some even preying for dear life that they make it out this alive it is something I could never forget. I’ll remember it for the rest of my life” 

A. In all of your experience with teaching,  what has most surprised you? It’s an obscene question to ask in this situation but it’s part of the questions.
I understand. Well obviously, when someone comes into the school you work at unloading a gun it’s not just another typical school day. 

B. What has been the most difficult aspect of your work (or your experience)?
Preserving the safety of my students and always remaining calm even when I want to freak out, cry, and scream too just keeping my composure.
C. If you have had the chance to change something about how you approached the situation, what would it be?
All I would do if I could change anything about that day is open the door sooner, and if I could I’d call the police beforehand but I know that wasn’t in my control
D. Can you remember a significant moment in your work on being a teacher ? Is there an experience with teaching that stands out in your mind?
This is a pretty dumb question to ask someone who experienced what I went through because I’m obviously going to still say the shooting but I’m assuming your teacher wasn’t prepared for someone like me to speak on an issue like this.
E. What do you think is the most common misconception about school shootings? Why?
I believe the common misconception is there are ways the students could prevent being stuck in these situations, there isn’t. We need gun reform not teaching students how to not get shot, not clear back packs, not treating school like a prison. 
F. What are the significant current trends in school shootings?
That they happen so often and there is still no change. 
G. Who or what has most influenced you? Who are your heroes?
No one other than my father.
H. If you had to summarize the most important thing you’ve learned about the shooting, what would it be? Expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything. 
I. What is the most important thing other people should know or understand?
This is never the victims fault. The fault lies in the shooter, no matter how mentally ill, what skin color, race or ethnicity and the blood is on the hands of the shooter and the ones who’d rather keep their guns than keep their kids safe. 

Second Draft

CFD81AC7-2C48-4BBF-8C72-59A8E102D220.jpegVicky Gonzalez worked as a third grade teacher at Rancho Tehama Elementary school, a school that is part of the long list of U.S. school shootings.. On November 13-14, 2017 Kevin Janson Neil went on a multiple shooting spree; in the Rancho Tehama Reserve in California, killing 5 people and injuring 18. One of the crime scenes was Rancho Tehama Elementary school, where Vicky was teaching. On November 14, 2017 the school’s security reported hearing gunfire near the school and ordered the school to go on immediate lockdown. Minutes later, Neil drove his stolen pickup truck through the gates of the school then opened fire at the windows and walls of the school. All while this is going on, Vicky or Mrs. G as her students would call her was locking her classroom windows and door when she heard a light pounding on her door and a loud whisper: “PLEASE someone let us in!!” Mrs. G instructed everyone to stay away from the door while she opened it
When was the last time you heard of a school shooting? Probably not very long ago. School shootings in the US have been happening so often they are now an epidemic. We are sending our kids, siblings, cousins etc. to a place where their safety isn’t guaranteed. We are sending them to a place they could possibly get shot, maybe even killed. It’s a terrible day to have isn’t it? Now picture this: as horrifying as it may be, imagine yourself getting a phone call saying your kids school has just been shot up. You rush to campus, police surrounding the area, kids are running out searching for their families and your kid doesn’t come out, they are nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, your child doesn’t make it they were killed by a gunshot wound along with your child for other students were killed. Now you’re depressed, you’re heartbroken, the feeling of emptiness won’t leave your body so you turn on the TV to watch the news to see what they’re going to do so this won’t happen again. You skim through every local news channel and not one of them is covering the shooting of your child’s school or speaking on the losses. Then you’re loaded with rage wondering “What the f*ck Is more important then a school shooting or my child’s death?” But it’s just another normal news day. So the next day you go to the campus seeing all of these posters, candles, rituals for the school but still no media coverage. Your child, your own flesh and blood is gone and the world couldn’t care less. So then you start educating yourself on what could be done to prevent this from happening, it comes around the answer is gun control, then you take yourself to city Council demanding change.
Fast forward: now it’s a discussion, “Do we need gun control?“ And you hear so many arguments saying “No we are fine where we are plus it violates our second amendment we don’t need change“ but this is the 25th school shooting this year and it’s only March so why are we putting guns over the lives of our kids? Why isn’t this being covered everywhere? How many more victims until we realize we need change? I can’t answer those for you, nobody can. In today’s society we value our weapons more than the lives of our children.
Americans seem numbed by the apparent frequency of school shootings. Gun safety and school safety advocates say the shock factor has disappeared amid years of school shootings, making them feel like common, everyday events.
I believe we should care ANYTIME a gun goes off in a school. No matter what the situation, no matter what school, age group, race etc. if students aren’t safe coming into school that should be just as alarming. I know the media lacks coverage of every school shooting that actually takes place because I myself didn’t know there’s been 22 incidents where a gun was brought on campus just this year. There were only 18 incidents when I first started this assignment.
School shootings are happening so frequently it’s not obvious the reason not every shooting is getting broadcasted is because it happens so often people are used to it or there are just too many going on to keep up with either way a change NEEDS to come to gun policies.
People believe that having gun reform and changing gun policies won’t change a thing or that guns aren’t the problem. Whatever the reason may be, there is no reason we should be okay with a gun going off on campus 22 times in just the 3rd month of the year.
“It almost is like some kind of bar has been set and if school shootings don’t reach that bar, then maybe they’re not newsworthy, which is in itself wrong.”
It seems as if a school shooting body count doesn’t have a certain number of fatalities, injuries, or victims they aren’t newsworthy because “it’s been worse before” it shouldn’t have gotten this bad to begin with.
School shootings are so common around the U.S. the cries of help from children are being ignored because people would rather hear the sound of their own gun going off.
On this sunny Sunday morning I’m sitting across from Vicky Gonzalez in my one story Coachella home in my modernly decorated kitchen. We are sitting at my stone made table with a vase of blossoms in between us. Vicky has agreed to sit with me and answer any questions I may have about that fatal day. During the interview I find myself getting overwhelmed with emotion as she speaks on the events of that day. “ I felt as if my heart was pounding so fast, so loud, so hard against my chest the students could hear it and it was only making them more afraid. What’s more frightening then an adult that doesn’t know what to do in this situation?” “The fear in their eyes, their cries for help, some even preying for dear life that they make it out this alive it is something I could never forget. I’ll remember it for the rest of my life”
In her experience with teaching, Vicky described the level of shock to find a shooter on school grounds: “ Well obviously, when someone comes into the school you work at unloading a gun it’s not just another typical school day. “
The most difficult aspect of her work (or experience), then just may have been
preserving the safety of her students and always remaining calm even when she wanted to freak out, cry, and scream too just keeping her composure.
If she had the chance to change something about the situation, Vicky says the only thing she’d do is open the door sooner. Other than that she had no control of the situation that day.
A significant moment in her teaching, Vicky said it’s obvious the school shooting it doesn’t get bigger than that, at least she hopes it doesn’t,
Vicky explained to me how a common misconception with school shooting is there are ways students can prevent being stuck in these situations but there isn’t. She says we need gun reform not teaching students how to not get shot, not clear backpacks, not treating school like a prison.
The significant trends in school shootings is that they happen so often and there’s still no change.
No one has influenced her and has been considered her role model other than her father.
If she had to summarize the most important thing she’s learned about the shooting is to expect the unexpected and prepare for anything.
The most important thing Vicky wants others to know this is never the victims fault. The fault always lies in the shooter, no matter how mentally illy, what skin color, race or ethnicity and the blood is on the hands of the shooter and the ones who’d rather keep their guns than keep kids safe.
When I decided to write about Vicky it was mainly because I thought maybe if I talk about someone who I know who has witnessed something like this maybe others can realize how close to home it hits. However, when I finally spoke to Vicky and she told me her story my whole outlook span to people aren’t understanding the magnitude of the problem when it comes to school shootings. I’ve learned that even if we hope, pray and don’t expect something like this to happen to you, it still very much can happen anytime any day. Which is absolutely horrifying. I’ve read articles of upset parents crying that even though they’ve lost their sons or their daughters to something as vicious as gun violence, it’s like no one cares because they’d kids were only very few bodies and by that I mean the death toll wasn’t as high as other school shootings so it isn’t worth the media coverage that the others receive. To hear a parent in pain tell a newsletter how no one cares or knows how their kid died because it wasn’t enough for the media is just disgusting, it makes you think “what are we putting as a priority over this little girl or boy’s life? What is so damn important that I haven’t heard about this till I searched it up?” We as everyday people send our kids to school for their own good, so they can develop an education and live long successful lives but when that life is cut short because someone decides to bring a gun to school it is stripping young children of their right to life but still nothing gets done. It’s almost as if people would rather have another young life stripped away then go through more evaluations to hold guns in their home.

Quote Sandwich: Tortilla Curtain

Delaney is my MVP. Not entirely because I admire him but he finally showed his true side, his hatred that he had kept hidden for so long. Throughout the story Delaney has heard, witnessed and even intervened his neighbors, friends and family when speaking on Mexicans but something about watching these men walk so carelessly up the hill while his friends and neighbors mourned the losses of their homes and personal belongings struck something inside of Delaney, lighting his fire and finally letting him admit his true feelings towards Mexicans as well. "He watched the two of them working their slow way up the road toward the flashing lights-no hurry, no worry, everything's cool- and he felt as much pure hatred as he'd ever felt in his life. What the hell did they think they were doing here anyways, starting fires in a tinderbox? Didn't they know what was at stake here, didn't they know they weren't in Mexico anymore? " (Boyle 376). I chose this quote and passage from the story because I know what it feels like to try and avoid something for so long and acting as if it doesn't bother you but when you see something it just sets you off and suddenly you're full of rage but the hate was there all along just repressed. I felt that's what Delaney felt when he saw the Mexicans they never really bothered him until he saw some carelessly coming up the road.

Define the Character: Tortilla Curtain

The one character that represents our idea of “racism” is Delaney and Candido represents the idea of “immigrants”. Before this section Delaney didn’t label himself as a racist but whenever his friends, family, or neighbors discriminated Mexicans he never really stopped them or corrected their prejudice behavior, that alone tells me that he never actually cared that Mexicans were being oppressed it just made him uncomfortable with himself that he had these thoughts too. Candido is our idea of immigrants because Candido brought his wife to the U.S. for the same reason many immigrant families come, for the chance of a better life. Candido is the stereotypical machismo; he’s the breadwinner, provides and protects his family, and tries to keep his woman at home because she is so fragile and he isn’t so he should be working.
What makes them go is when Delaney is being blamed or in distress he blames the Mexicans that are in his community like his neighbors. Candido is set off by his misfortune, his bad luck frustrates him and makes him question why can’t he be cut a break?
The internal conflict with Candido is America blames him for bringing her here and how they are living which upsets Candido because he is so use to providing for his family.

The external  conflict with Delaney is everything going on around him and everything everyone is saying around him influences his beliefs and actions.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Only Women Bleed-Alice Cooper- Motorcycle Soundtrack by Destiny Guerrero

Motorcycle Soundtrack Quote Sandwich “The women’s liberation movement was as far away from our parents consciousness as the moon.” The Sahagun Family had more of a sexist, old school mindset where the father was the kind of his home, and whatever he said everyone had to follow. Because of this many of his daughters couldn’t have a boyfriend or even male close friends for that matter. The oldest was Carolina who was 23 and was still expected to follow her dad’s orders. When Carolina brought home her man (Tom), papa Sahagun was enraged, unable to speak properly but scream at his oldest daughter, whom was warned by her mother not to bring her man near her father. Tom was at the door way which left Mr. Sahagun no other option than to let his pride take over and question his oldest daughters authority, “Dating? Who gave you permission to date? Was it your mother?”. As a quick panic move the leader of the Sahagun pack now questioned his dear queen, which shows how he’ll be quick to take down anyone in his path going against his order. Nevertheless Carolina stands her ground and asks if Tom was asked to leave she would too, which unveiled anger causing him to scream at her out get out. As the family was praying for Chuy, Tom reappeared and asks to join them which MR. Sahagun accepted, Carolina did it she got her acceptance and the “women’s liberation movement “ was a success. Summary of the Scene In Chapter 9 of the novel, “Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility,” by Patricia Santana, Carolina deals with a life changing experience that could either turn out really well or really bad. Carolina was willing to take a step further with her boyfriend Tom. She was ready to finally invite him over to her house. Carolina was eager to have Tom be introduced to the Sahugan family so she decided to have him come on a surprise visit. Although she was aware that her mom advised her not to invite Tom over, she did it anyway. Carolina knew that if Tom came over to her house, her dad would not react to her expectations. While knowing the potential outcome, Carolina was determined that it was time for her family to meet her boyfriend Tom. When the family heard the knock on the door from Tom, Carolina was ready to face her fears and act like an adult for this matter. As soon as her dad saw him walk in his words were “Get out.”(162) Carolina was not surprised that her dad reacted this way but she did not give up with what she believed. A conversation went back and forth between Carolina, Tom, and her dad. This incident quickly turned into a family dilemma that felt like it would never end. Carolina continued to give valid reasons to her father by saying comments like, “Papa, I want to do this the proper way. I want you to meet my friends, to approve.” Carolina was continued to be put down by her father. Later when Tom came in mid-prayer for Chuy, Tom asked if her dad if he could join in and he did. Tom was later than accepted by the family and Carolina finally was satisfied for the acceptance of her boyfriend. Song Analysis Song analysis Alice Cooper’s song Only Women Bleed was released April 1975, the song was written by Alice Cooper and Dick Wagner. Despite the backlash the song received from listeners (mostly feminist groups) because it was believed to be a song about menstruation and promoting domestic abuse. Alice Cooper and Dick Wagner later cleared up in an interview by telling the interviewer "It's really a song about domestic violence. It was misunderstood when it first came out. It was supposedly about a woman's period, but it wasn't. It was about a woman's subservient position in society to a man. I'm a firm believer that women are the superior sex. 'Only Women Bleed' was a liberating kind of song." This ballad was a centerpiece of Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare tour, and his biggest hit from the album. The song also became an anthem of empowerment for many women around the world. Alice Cooper didn’t expect the song to be the biggest hit on his album or an anthem for women, he said he wrote the song because he felt the album needed a ballad. In the song Alice Cooper sings “Man's got his woman to take his seed. He's got the power – oh. She's got the need she spends her life through pleasing up her man she feeds him dinner or anything she can.” This part of the song Cooper is talking about how women do everything to take care of the man in their life, she makes sure he eats even if it means she eats later or not at all just as long as he’s fed. However, even though the woman does everything she possibly can to please her man it is still not enough and she gets beaten. The husband is unhappy as well as her but she doesn’t leave just continues to try and make the relationship work. Background of the Artist Alice cooper began in 1964, playing in a parody band known as the Ear wigs it was more of a parody band that did covers for famous bands in that era. They soon stopped in order to pursue they’re on going career as rock artist. Alice cooper soon parted with Earwigs and decided to make another band named “the spiders”. In fact Vincent Damon Furnier was his name before all the success, which went on till 1971 when the first single came out, “I’m eighteen”. Alice cooper was already recognized to be the first to bring Garage rock and Shock rock to mainstream music, which took the whole country by surprise. Never realizing it would be such a successful genre, Alice cooper swept the nation with his controversial lyrics which made a big impact for newspaper headlines. For example in one of his songs he had a male play a woman killer, and a female trying to run and get away screaming bloody murder on stage while the band performed. The controversy of the whole show was meant to portray that its what the bane “Alice Cooper” stood for and they’re mouths won’t be shut about controversial issues that society ignores Lyric Chart Summary in the song only women bleed the song covers how women go through very high and difficult obstacles to keep their men happy because it is what is expected of him Reflection Alice Cooper puts in perspective all that women do in order to keep their man happy but sometimes it still isn’t enough but they still continue to try. Paraphrase Although the women love their men and some are even happy to do everything they ask for them with no complains at the end of the day she is still being treated like a maid and not a wife. Which makes the wife unhappy but she still continues to do what is expected. Reflection in the story when Carolina tells her mom about bringing Tom over her mother tells her no and warns her and says if you being that boy to this house you’ll make your father do unspeakable things. She didn’t bother to try to call at her house since he is the breadwinner it is his house and their family is just living in it Lyric “Man's got his woman to take his seed He's got the power - oh She's got the need She spends her life through pleasing up her man She feeds him dinner or anything she can” Mama doesn’t dare even try to stop papa from kicking Carolina out the house because he has the power this is his house even though mama basically runs it. Recommendation The Novel, Motorcycle on the Sea of Tranquility is an astonishing book that everyone should read because it allows readers to build a relationship with the family that many people could relate to. Hispanic families can deeply connect to this book because it deals with adapting to a new environment and many Hispanic families deal with the same everyday problems. This story is about a young man named Chuy who returns from the Vietnam War. When he comes back home, the family notices that he isn’t the same person he was before. In Yoli’s point of view throughout the entire novel, it allows us to view her love for her brother regardless of his actions. The family works as a team to handle certain situations that not only come from Chuy, but everyday problems that they may face. Overall, this book is a underrated and should be read by people who believe that that they could get through the toughest situations in life.

John F Kennedy's Assassination Destiny Guerrero

Destiny Guerrero Conspiracy is a scheme, a plan made by more than one person. To conspire is to plot against someone or something in hopes of their failure. To conspire does not mean to benefit the person you are plotting against but to bring them to their downfall. A conspiracy is evil. It’s staying up countless hours planning out every little detail making sure not a single thing is left out. Conspiring brings the brilliance out of the human mind; it’s what makes your brain second guess taking a left turn when you know right is the answer. John F. Kennedy was murdered and someone else took the blame for it. This was all part of a mass conspiracy by the government, or the mafia, or angry people from the South. No one knows. That’s the twist about conspiracies: no one but the plotters know the motive as to why someone would do this and that’s why they’re so questionable. For the only way to truly understand is to get inside the mind of the conspirer. 50 years later, the truth about who killed Kennedy still is clouded in conspiracy. On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy decided to visit Dallas, Texas to participate in a parade to gain back supporters from the state. Kennedy, much like every other president, just wanted the support of Americans all across the U.S. to lead America in his direction but even though he made the attempt it was too late to change the mind of some people. “It’s been said that Time heals all wounds,” Rose Kennedy once explained. “I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” According to Kennedy “Our most basic common link is that we all inhibit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” And mortal he was, not everyone needed to like Kennedy but as a president he felt it was important to still try. Whether or not that is what caused his death, Kennedy was right. We are all mortal and mortals do what they can if they feel is necessary. The most interesting thing said in the passage is how they bring up the conspiracy theories of why and how President Kennedy was murdered. One theory I find to be extremely interesting is the grassy knoll theory because to me it does make sense that there were armed men hiding in the hills nearby the parade and it would also explain why Kennedy was struck from odd angles. There are many theories as to how Kennedy died and why someone would want him dead because the motive was never made clear but it is one of the greatest mysteries to this day... who shot the president? Why? Example: Committee on assassinations concluded in a preliminary report that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy that may have involve multiple shooters and an organize crime. Summary: The article "The Kennedy assassination" described how the world changed forever on a sunny afternoon in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. On that day, John F. Kennedy, the president of the United States at the time, was doing something he, as well as other politicians had done countless times before. Ride in an open-top convertible down a parade route but because of what happened that day, it would also be the last time a president was so accessible to the public, in a convertible. At 12:30pm, President Kennedy was shot in the back of the head and killed while riding with his wife Jackie, Governor Connolly of Texas, and the governor's wife. The Assassin was later determined to be Lee Harvey Oswald, a strange man, who mental health was questionable. Lee Harvey Oswald was described and seen by many spectators of the parade to be the killer of our young president Kennedy but many people believe this was not the case. Quotation: "Although there are some facts about the assassination of President Kennedy that will remain a mystery for eternity, due to the fact that Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald, it can be concluded that the world drastically changed on the afternoon of November 22nd, 1963." Reflection: in this article they speak of how one of the reasons Oswald assassinated Kennedy was because of Oswald’s mental state however it was impossible to know what his original motive was due to Jackie killing him. If mental illness was the case why did Oswald have access to a gun? Reflection: it does become clear that Oswald was mentally unstable since the same day of the assassination Oswald shot and killed and officer who was merely trying to speak to him the officers intentions were just to apprehend Oswald which unfortunately cost him his life. Reflection: although the motive for Kennedy’s death remains unclear to this day one of the theories is he was murdered for his political and human rights views, Kennedy strongly believed in Martin Luther King’s message of equality and many people weren’t fond of the attempt to pass the civil rights legislation. Reflection: another cause of Kennedy’s death was his lack of security when he was riding through Dallas, often the president is never alone they are accompanied by big frightening men whose job is to lay down their lives for the president and for that reason Kennedy was an easy target to get too because no one was guarding or watching out for him. Paragraph: On the 22nd of November, 1963, John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, visited Dallas, Texas. Their two young children had remained behind in Washington. The couple rode in a drop too convertible through Dallas as the convertible turned toward Elm Street, Abraham Zapruder positioned himself with his Bell and Howell 8mm camera. He'd located a great place to stand on the top of a concrete plinth. He waited for the President’s car to reach his line of sight. As soon as he could see the President’s limo, which was traveling at about 11.2 miles per hour, Zapruder aimed his camera and recorded the President’s visit. Lee Harvey Oswald, according to the official investigation, aimed his rifle at the same target. At about 12:30 p.m. CST, according to the official account, Oswald took his first shot. Zapruder’s film recorded what happened as President Kennedy was fatally struck by one of the bullets. President Kennedy was shot 3 times in his neck, back of his head, and thigh and he was killed almost instantly by Lee Harvey Oswald although other bystanders report seeing bullets coming from a different shooter. In 1963 the secret service failed to protect the 35th president of the United States John F Kennedy, and in 2017 the Secret Service may not have enough funding to protect the 45th president of the United States Donald Trump. The secret service failed to protect John F. Kennedy do to conspiracy which is why he was so easily target in and easily assassinated. Before Kennedy’s presidency it was normal for presidents to ride in a drop top convertible with the first lady through the streets for a parade. Get the difference is the presidents before him had protection from the secret services at all time, Kennedy didn’t. Although Kennedy was very well liked that does not excuse the lack of protection that fatal day as a result, the lack of protection we lost our 35th president due to three gunshot wounds. On the other hand, 45th president from the beginning of his presidency he’s had Secret Service protection watching him with a close eye. However, unfortunately for dodge ram Secret Service has reported they might not have enough funding to protect him or his family much longer throughout his presidency. Which is very worrisome for the Trump family due to the fact that his father isn’t well liked and has already had multiple assassination attempts on him. Unlike Kennedy however Trump has been fortunately lucky at avoiding being assassinated but Trump isn’t as out in the open as Kennedy was. Nowadays you won’t see tromp riding in a drop top convertible preferred rate with no secret service protection guarding the car you won’t see any president do that anymore as a matter of fact. Nevertheless just says they had their differences both presidents have Heather similarities as well. For example both presidents had many supporters and followers but also had their fair share of people who dislike them, both grew up in families of wealth and privilege, both presidents I’m more interested in the public eye and publicity then they are in accomplishment, and both gentlemen are great at making empty promises and giving off false hope. I’ve learned that America tends to learn from its past mistakes even if the mistakes are sometimes repetitive. The idea behind having more protection is so that something like this does not happen again and that’s understandable because although we may not like our current commander-in-chief there are people who would rather have an impeachment than an assassination and other times there are others who’d would rather see an assassination than an impeachment. However even if you are fond of Kennedy and not of Trump or vice versa some people believe the only way to get rid of the problem is to exterminate it completely which is why Trump and other past presidents after Kennedy have more than enough protection from secret services. The murder of John F. Kennedy has always lead me to have many suspicions on if it actually happened the way most people claims it did. I chose to write about the conspiracy of John F. Kennedy’s murder because I myself believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only murderer, I also believe he may not have been the shooter at all. What caught my interest about this topic was there were actual bystanders that attended the parade who swear they saw and heard shots coming from a completely different direction than where Oswald was at. Next month on the 22nd of November it will be the 54th anniversary of Kennedy’s death. From writing this essay I learned how to cite my information I got for this essay which is extremely resourceful for me because for future references I can go back to my resources for more useful information. I found myself taking notes about my writing subject differently, more efficiently I am able to remember more about my subject than before. In the beginning my view on this topic I was a bit skeptical about writing about it but as I continue to learn about it the subject just gets greatly more interesting. I figured out many different points of views of this topic due to the help of my professor, he lead me in the direction of plenty absorbing articles. At the moment I feel I made a great decision choosing this topic of president Kennedy’s murder not because I like to see him dead but because I believe in the idea of conspiracy theories and that people do evil things but get away with them due to their well thought out plots. As a writer now, I feel I have a better understanding of other people’s emotions and thought processes which gives me more to write about and a better perspective on my topic. I’ve grown as a writer in many ways over the last 3 months thanks to the help of my professor, I do have more confidence in myself as a writer now. I believe I am capable of writing essays on many contrasting topics. Work Cited Strong Robert, “Trump and JFK are More Aline than We like To Think”, Newsweek, Newsweek editor, May 29, 2017, posted: May 29, 2017. Kennedy, F. John. “John F. Kennedy Speeches.” JFK library: For people who are interested in Kennedy’s legacy. Point, Colombia. “The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection.” National Archives. 15 Aug. 2015. “The Assassination: An Overview.” John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Patterson, Thom. “One JFK Conspiracy Theory That Could Be True.” CNN, 18 Nov. 2013, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Rein, Lisa. “Secret Service Says It Will Run out of Money to Protect Trump and His Family Sept. 30.” The Washington Post [ProQuest], Politics, 21 Aug. 2017,

Thursday, October 5, 2017


FOR COLORED GIRLS Crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Crisis is the inevitable, as much as you wish it wouldn’t happen to you or others, it does. Prices is one of the many difficulties that come with life. This type of predicament comes in many different forms, for example there are life crisis is which a crucial or decisive. Or situation especially a difficult or unstable one is involving a impending change. There are natural disaster crises es in which tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis occur and what are natural disasters? Unavoidable. Inevitable. A crisis is anything that has a negative impact on your life and is impossible to see around you must see a way through the problem to get past it. Or you must deal with the crisis head on. In the movie For colored Girls the movie tells the lives of 6 black women going through different crises in their lives. Rape, abusive relationships, mid life crises, murder, teen pregnancy, alcohol abuse and many other different situations. Although the lives of these women are disturbed by situations that interrupt their common day lives. This movie is very powerful because it speaks on the many different trials and tribulations women go through on a day to day basis. This movie has had a great impact on my life because there were days where i was insecure about the color of my skin and in my life I've faced some of the obstacles some of these women have and that is why i believe this film is so important, because it let me know that I wasn't alone in the loneliest points in my life. As a young girl I was going through crisis's that these women were seeing way later in their lives and it made me aware that life wasn't just out to get me, these type of things were happening to other women and girls as well. I believe the best way to get through a crisis is to realize you aren't the only one trying to get through the same problem alone, no one is ever alone someone feels the pain in your heart because it is the same feeling in theirs.

Comic strip analysis

TREATING PHYSICAL ILLNESSES LIKE MENTAL ILLNESS A. In this comic strip we have multiple characters suffering from a physical injury or suffering from illness and then we have others trying to consult them the same way people consult others with mental illness. B. From the first panel I have proceeded that this man is laying in pain due to food poisoning and his friend is simply just telling him if he could try not having it which is impossible to do on our own. C. First panel: the man is laying in bed in pain and is told if he could try to just not have food poisoning. Something similar is told to a person with depression “can’t you just stop being depressed”. Second panel: a man is bleeding excessively from a very serious injury but is told “change your frame of mind and you’ll feel better”. This is also something told to a person with depression because it’s hard to understand why some people can’t just be positive with a positive outlook on life. Third panel: A woman is slumped over a toilet appears to be throwing up and a man is hurdling over her saying “have you tried you know… not having the flu”. Which again is impossible to do on our own without either medication or seeing a specialist. The same thing with depression it’s impossible to just stop being depressed without help from a specialist and sometimes even medication. Fourth panel: a man is injecting himself with medication and is being told by a woman isn’t he worried that is changing him? People have the same question when others take medication for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Fifth panel: the man in the green shirt is bleeding frantically from his hand and is being told by the other man “it’s like you’re not even trying”. The man is “not even trying” to stop bleeding but he wants to get better doesn’t he? Same question asked with mental illness. Sixth panel: a man is laying on a hospital bed, unconscious, in what appears to be a coma and the woman hovering over him is saying “well laying in bed obviously isn’t going to make you any better”. Often times people suffering from mental illness seclude themselves from others by locking themselves in their rooms staying in bed all day because they don’t know how to cope with their illness so they sleep it off. D. If we were to treat mental illness like we do physical illness we would have more progress in ridding many people of their mental illnesses. But we don’t because often times we see mental illness as something that is all in your head, as something that you put yourself in but that is untrue. Depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia, bulimia etc. Are all common examples of mental illnesses found in many people and even worst, in young minds. Some try to reach out for help but are shot down because well it’s not like it’s a physical Injury, that is until self harm comes into play, along with making yourselves throw up, and even worst suicide but it shouldn’t take a physical harm to be taken seriously!!! We are human we hurt from the inside and out and mental illness is something that should be taken just as serious as physical illness!!

Tough stuff essay

October 13, 2007 When I was eight years old, I lived in Coachella with my mother and two sisters. As for my father he was only allowed to see me on weekends, which made seeing him and his side of the family more special to me. With them I always felt loved, safe, and happy. However, the feeling of security left me the early morning of October 13, 2007. On this cold October day at around two in the morning I was sexually harassed by someone I’ve known almost all my life. As a result, I grew up terrified of men, angry at the world, insecure, depressed, unable to trust others and living in fear this would happen again. A sexual-harassment experience nearly destroyed me for the rest of my life. Being sexually harassed at such a young age led me to educate myself more about rape culture and victim blaming. Even though, this experience was traumatic for me it also led me to my career choice of becoming a victims advocate. In this career you help provide aid, support, and counseling for those who are victims in cases such as rape, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, or near death experience. When I read stories about women who’ve been taken advantage of, all I wanted to do was help them in anyway I possibly could. The kind of help I wish I received when I was going through this alone. As I grew up I figured out I wasn’t the only one that had happened to, not even close. It horrified me this was actually very common to happen to someone my age and by someone they knew too. It is estimated that one in every three girls and one in every six boys will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18. About 85 to 90% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone the victim knows. All in all, growing up I thought I was the only one that’s ever happened to but I later learned in life even one of my closest friends was harassed by a family friend but she was 11 when it happened. If horrified me to know I wasn’t the only one this type of thing happened to. It gave me no feeling of comfort knowing I wasn’t alone all it did was make me more horrified that I have more to be afraid of. There was more men out there doing the same thing to younger girls and older women , I saw it as more of a reason to be afraid of older men. What happened on October 13, 2007 left a big impact on my adolescent years. The day before, October 12, 2007 was a celebration of my tio Oscar’s release from prison, The family gathering was held at my tia Vero’s house in Bermuda Dunes. I rarely ever saw my dad side of the family so it was very special to me when I did. Since I was younger I knew if my dad was around I’d always be safe and I’ve never been more right than on that night. Hours after my father left me at my tia’s house to sleep in the guest room, I was taken advantage of by a close family friend. While the remaining family members sat outside around a bright red steaming fire to drink and maybe tell a couple stories, my dad and my Tio Oscar excused themselves to leave early due to their probation forbidding them on drinking. I stayed in my Tia’s guest room because my dad said there was more room for me there which I didn’t mind, I liked staying at her house since they always gave me a room to myself. After my father left I got ready to go to bed but stayed up for what seemed like hours playing my game boy in the pitch black dark room with only the light of my GameBoy and glowing red numbers coming from the alarm clock next to the bed to light the room. Around one or two in the morning someone came into the room with me but I quickly faked being asleep out of fear I was going to be awake for staying up too late, I expected whenever it was to see me “asleep” then immediately shut the door but I was wrong… they stared me down like a hawk as I laid there. Suddenly I heard the door shut close but creaking of the floorboards began, the nose got closer and closer to me till I felt my side of the bed go up as someone laid right next to me meanwhile I was still pretending to be asleep. After the person stroked my hair for about two minutes seconds later my innocence was taken from me and I had become a victim of sexual molestation. The fear in me begged for me to remain quiet but the excruciating pain coming from within me broke my silence as I began to silently cry blowing my cover that I was asleep. I knew they heard me because they had stopped then I felt a hand cover my mouth as they said in a forced deep and raspy voice “ if you tell anyone of this I’ll find out and I’ll hurt you even more.” I cried into their hand nodding in agreement that I understood. Immediately after, they left the room but by then I knew exactly who the voice belonged too I didn’t even need to turn from facing the wall to know who it was, after all I had known them my whole life. The remainder of the long night I cried hysterically, laying in horrible pain, wishing I was dead. I feel as if I were a fly on the wall as if I watch this whole event go down but couldn’t do a thing to stop it. Myself out like it had abandoned my body to go somewhere safe and all I was, was a vessel an empty vessel. Finally morning had came I still haven’t gotten a minute of sleep, I haven’t moved or stop crying. All I did was replay the voice in my head feeling betrayed by someone my family has known for a long time. I never told a soul what happened that night out of fear for my life and that this would happen again. Never again. As a result of what happened, going out to isolated myself from others because I saw myself as a bad different. However because this did happen to me at such a young age, growing up it made me more pre cautious of who I trust and how to ensure that this would never happen again. That’s the fearful thing about this though, it could happen to anyone at any time of the day, any place and by anybody. I’ve also learned to speak up on sexual-harassment, keeping it bottled inside me for so long made me realize that all I was doing was more damage to myself and letting this eat at me which wasn’t healthy. In conclusion, I no longer blame me, That man, or my God for what happened that night. Although some days I wish what happened didn’t happen, I know I was only put through the situation so I can make me stronger, safer, and more aware.